Artists in the Library is an artist residency that encourages collaboration between Toronto artists, communities and local libraries. From September to December, Community Arts Guild facilitated storytelling, theatre and making programs in partnership with Malvern and Morningside Library.
We want to thank everyone that contributed to the success of this project:
Artistic and Project Director: Beth Helmers
Outreach and Project Co-ordinator: Joanna Prescod
Lead Artist, INTERLACING and Open Studio (Shadow puppets, character & lantern designs): Sonja Rainey
Lead Artist, Scarborough Stories and Transformations Youth Theatre: Beth Helmers
Lead Artist, Open Studio (Giant Puppet design): Ange Loft
Storytellers: Diana Tso, Jamie Oshkebewisens*, Sharada K. Eswar
East End Storytellers Musicians: Alejandra Nunez, Cathy Nosaty
Food & Textile Artist: Marianne Alas
Guest Facilitators and Workshop Support: Ashley Riley*, Gehan Kolamba Tantrege, Kaitlynn Rodgers, Julia Hunter**, Julia Tribe, Nikki Shaffeeullah, Tijana Spasic**
Open Studio Design Assistants: Kimberley Walker, Kyoung Kim, Victoria Bacnis
Childcare/Workshop Support: Fiona Pereira
Driver: Tim Dollack
Video and Photo Documentors: Adrienne Marcus Raja, Brian Medina, Robin Archer
Volunteers: Lily Ma, Mariam Desai, Macgregor
Bowman The Bus, The Bluffs and the Beasties: Story created by Scarborough Stories group at Malvern Library, with writing by Leanne Minichillo
Scarborough Stories Puppeteers: Jacob Fernandas, Marc Wong, Nijiban, Nekori, Samuel Fernandas, Victoria Fernandas, Fiona Pereira
Bear: Lady Pearline H. Morris
Narrator: Gehan Kolamba Tantrege
Bird Choreographer/Leader: Ashley Riley
Story Readers: Selina Fisher, John Fisher
Doc Project Contributors: Cynthia Walker, Phillipu Mathiyas, Komathy Coomaraswamy, Lady Pearline H. Morris, Marc Wong, Ian Lim, Ratnajolthy Paramjothy, Ragupathy Ratnasabapathy, Sivamany Sivapatham.
And thank you to the many contributors in Malvern and from East Scarborough and beyond who joined in the art-making. This project was supported through Toronto Arts Council Strategic Funding. *thanks to Jumblies Theatre and Miziwe Biik**thanks to Jumblies Theatre and Youth Employment Services